The manufacturer of a product is a guarantor of its safety. The product must be provided with every element necessary to make it safe for use, and without any condition that makes it unsafe for use.
If you find that the product, at the time it left the manufacturer's/retailer's control, lacked any element necessary to make it safe for use, or if it contained any condition that made it unsafe for use, then the product is defective and the defendant is liable for all harm caused by the defect.
If you were injured by a defective product call a Reading PA personal injury lawyer.
If you or a loved one suffered injuries or death as a result of a Reading PA defective product accident or a Berks County defective product accident, it is important to protect your legal rights. Review the "10 Rules to follow if you are in an accident" instructions provided. Then call a Reading PA defective product lawyer and Reading PA defective product attorney who's firm handles Berks County product liability cases resulting in serious injuries and death.
CALL KNAFO LAW OFFICES 4700 Perkiomen Ave. Reading, PA 19606 (610) 370-4000